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Guest Author
Aug 5, 20248 min read
Pedí ayuda y me despidieron.
Es irónico que las políticas y procedimientos de mi agencia de envío misionero, que estaban destinados a garantizar mi seguridad y éxito

Guest Author
Aug 5, 20248 min read
I Asked for Help and got Fired Instead.
It’s ironic that the policies and procedures of my missions sending agency, which were meant to ensure my safety and success, brought about

Lindsey Medenwaldt
Jul 31, 20246 min read
Christians and Fun: Why Merriment is Good for the Soul (bE+)
Is it okay for Christians to have fun? Does God like it when humans spend time enjoying life? The short answer is a hearty yes!

Guest Author
Jul 30, 20248 min read
Nuestro mundo se ha vuelto del revés y nos ha devuelto la libertad que intentamos regalar.
La retrospectiva es algo curioso. Tenemos la capacidad de mirar hacia atrás y sacudir la cabeza mientas sabes que lo que hiciste tenía

Guest Author
Jul 1, 20247 min read
Misiones: A través del espejo.
¿Alguna vez has tenido un momento en el que todo se sale de su curso normal y no le encuentras sentido a lo que estás viviendo porque no sig

Guest Author
Jul 1, 20248 min read
Our World Turned Up-Side Down and Returned us to the Freedom We Tried to Give Away
Hindsight is a funny thing. The ability to look back and simultaneously shake your head at yourself AND know that what you did made complete

Naomi Wright
May 28, 20243 min read
From Checklists to Grace (bE+)
If you're reading this post, you most likely know what it's like to doubt your salvation. To feel fear that you might be wrong and that...

Guest Author
May 21, 20247 min read
Missions: Through the Looking Glass
Have you ever had a moment when everything goes sideways and you can’t make sense of what you’re experiencing because it doesn’t follow...

Michael Wright
Apr 30, 20245 min read
First Hand Experience of Spiritual Abuse Tactics (bE+)
Shortly after I started working for a Christian Bible camp, I got called into the Executive Director’s office. I had always wanted to...

Teasi Cannon
Mar 15, 20248 min read
Finding Hope in the Face of Evil (bE+)
How can an all-loving, all-powerful God allow evil and suffering to exist and continue?

Naomi Wright
Oct 10, 20225 min read
"So, what exactly is a cult anyway?"
The word "cult" can be very confusing. This confusion is valid because it tends to be overused, particularly in American culture. For...

Naomi Wright
Sep 26, 20229 min read
How to Understand the Complexity of Trauma and Spiritual Abuse
Anna Kitko is a cult and new religions specialist with Ratio Christi, where she serves as the campus apologist at the University of...

Naomi Wright
Sep 10, 20229 min read
How do I Support Someone Who is Hurting From Religious Abuse?
Whether we are aware of it or not, we all more than likely know someone who has or is experiencing religious harm on one level or...

Naomi Wright
Aug 25, 20228 min read
Feeling "triggered" can be debilitating. Here's why it happens and what you can do to help yourself.
I was struggling to handle my anger well. My husband would say something to me, that while not truly the same, felt too similar to things...

Naomi Wright
Jul 25, 20229 min read
Denominations can be stress-inducing after religious trauma. What you need to know before you choose
The world of Christian denominations can be very confusing and messy for individuals at large, but particularly for those who have come...

Naomi Wright
Jul 8, 20228 min read
Understanding Healthy Biblical Giving vs. Abusive Financial Exploitation
Giving is wonderfully purposeful practice from the Lord, but unfortunately it can be manipulatively twisted and taken out of context by...

Naomi Wright
Jun 13, 20229 min read
Spiritual Abuse and Divorce: What Does the Bible Say to do?
Divorce is a heavy word that brings a lot of disappointment, questions, and pain. While it's not difficult to find solid, biblical...

Naomi Wright
May 27, 20229 min read
Can "Righteous" Anger Justify Abusive Behavior? With Dr. Michael Ballard
My dad was a volatile man. No one knew what would set him off or when he would lose it, so we were always constantly on guard and alert...

Naomi Wright
May 12, 20228 min read
Why Are There So Many Bible Translations? How To Choose One You Can Trust.
Have you ever wandered the Bible section of a bookstore and thought to yourself, “Why so many Bible translations?” Or maybe you have...

Naomi Wright
Jan 17, 20225 min read
Are you afraid to ask questions about your religious beliefs? Why you should and 5 steps to start.
Have you ever wanted to ask a question in your religious environment, but felt you couldn’t because you knew something would be at stake...
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