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Naomi Wright
May 28, 20243 min read
From Checklists to Grace (bE+)
If you're reading this post, you most likely know what it's like to doubt your salvation. To feel fear that you might be wrong and that...

Michael Wright
Apr 30, 20245 min read
First Hand Experience of Spiritual Abuse Tactics (bE+)
Shortly after I started working for a Christian Bible camp, I got called into the Executive Director’s office. I had always wanted to...

Naomi Wright
Sep 26, 20229 min read
How to Understand the Complexity of Trauma and Spiritual Abuse
Anna Kitko is a cult and new religions specialist with Ratio Christi, where she serves as the campus apologist at the University of...

Naomi Wright
Aug 25, 20228 min read
Feeling "triggered" can be debilitating. Here's why it happens and what you can do to help yourself.
I was struggling to handle my anger well. My husband would say something to me, that while not truly the same, felt too similar to things...

Naomi Wright
Jan 17, 20225 min read
Are you afraid to ask questions about your religious beliefs? Why you should and 5 steps to start.
Have you ever wanted to ask a question in your religious environment, but felt you couldn’t because you knew something would be at stake...

Naomi Wright
Dec 26, 20214 min read
Sometimes the grief doesn't surface until after the jolly has quieted.
Christmas is over. Maybe you’re thinking, “I made it. I survived another holiday season fairly well intact.” You met every expectation of...

Naomi Wright
Dec 11, 20214 min read
Ready, set, HEAL! Your healing process is not a race, nor a competition.
In our fast-paced, fit-it-all-in, sleep-when-we-die American culture, there never seems to be enough time to do anything thoroughly. We...

Naomi Wright
Nov 17, 20215 min read
Maybe a song can change your life, but a song can for sure inspire you to change your life
“What song has changed your life?” I heard this question asked of someone yesterday and hours later, found myself thinking about my own...

Naomi Wright
Aug 15, 20214 min read
Do you feel inadequate because of lies you've been told in the past by unhealthy people?
Do you know that feeling of not being good enough? That combination of heaviness and tightness in your chest, with overwhelming sadness...

Nicole Hastings
Jul 19, 20217 min read
On Faith and Healing: The fine line between hope and denial
“I don’t understand…” I heard his voice behind me. It was late, and I was standing at the sink washing the last of the day’s dishes, as...

Naomi Wright
Jul 12, 20212 min read
Change is the one experience we can all count on, and it can be a good thing
Change is one of the few constants that exist Usually when I think of change, I automatically resist But this Spring I have a new...

Naomi Wright
May 10, 20213 min read
A High Schooler took a risk and can teach you to do the same
In my 12th grade Honors English class, each of us students had to give a 2-minute speech. The topic was chosen for us by the teacher,...

Naomi Wright
Mar 21, 20213 min read
Mentoring: the Myths and the Facts of a Mentoring Relationship
My seminary program required me to have a mentor for several semesters. I loved the idea of mentorship, but I didn’t know much about the...

Naomi Wright
Mar 1, 20213 min read
The transition from hiding to sharing can feel like an identity crisis
Is “identity crisis” the best way to describe it? At the very least, an interaction I recently had certainly conjures the ghost of an...

Naomi Wright
Feb 8, 20212 min read
A New Grief: 8 kindnesses to remember and apply when you're suffering from a loss
Someone let my family down in a very painful way this past week. Someone we wholly trusted with all we hold dear. Someone whom we could...

Naomi Wright
Jan 25, 20213 min read
4 Steps to decisions you can feel solid about today
I had a dream last night. Many, probably, but one that I remember because something really cool happened. In it, I was struggling with...

Naomi Wright
Jan 11, 20214 min read
Most New Year's resolutions fail within weeks. Here's why and how you can change this for yourself.
So. We’re almost 2 weeks in. How are those resolutions going? Great so far? Yay! Not so great once the world realized that the stroke of...

Naomi Wright
Dec 21, 20203 min read
Your past does not condemn you, rather what you do with it can commend you.
My precious boy turned 3 today. His favorite gift was a singing Paw Patrol balloon. I made special birthday pancakes and we sang to that...

Naomi Wright
Dec 14, 20203 min read
What touches our hearts, inspires our minds, and moves us to action. So your heart matters.
“Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot...But the Grinch, who lived just north of Whoville, did not!” - Dr. Seuss As a young...

Naomi Wright
Dec 7, 20204 min read
Were you raised to believe holidays were sinful? Reclaim this loss and find freedom to celebrate
What’s your theology of celebration? Is it simply a fun time with family and friends? Is the focus on a remembrance of some kind? Or is...
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